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How to Manage Pests

California Weather Data

Description of Woodland_South-01.P (YOL1)

PestCast Network(s)

2002 California Tomato




1/4-mile west of CR 98 and Harlan Lane
County: Yolo    Nearest City: Davis
Latitude: 38 deg 38 min N    Longitude: 121 deg 48 min W    Elevation: 60 ft

Station and site characteristics

Manufacturer/model: Campbell Scientific Inc. CR-10 ( or CR-10X)
Crop: Processing tomatoes

Available data

UC IPM database records begin/end: June 26, 2002  /  October 1, 2002
Reporting interval: 30 minute, Hourly, Daily
Stored variables:
Air Temperature, max/min: HMP35/45C temp-RH probe
Air Temperature 3, max/min: HMP35/45C temp-RH probe
Air Temperature, average: HMP35/45C temp-RH probe
Air Temperature 3, average: HMP35/45C temp-RH probe
Growing Degree Days: Calculated degree-days (thresholds: 41 F, 97 F) from air temps
Growing Degree Days 3: Calculated degree-days (thresholds: 41 F, 97 F) from air temps
Temperature Threshold Hours: Hours between 65 F and 75 F with RH > 90%
Temperature Threshold Hours 3: Hours between 65 F and 75 F with RH > 90%
Leaf wetness: 237 resistance grid
Leaf wetness 3: 237 resistance grid
Precipitation: TE525 tipping bucket rain guage
Relative Humidity, max/min: HMP35/45C temp-RH probe
Relative Humidity, average: HMP35/45C temp-RH probe
Relative Humidity 3, average: HMP35/45C temp-RH probe
TomCast DSV: Calculated TOM-CAST DSV from leaf wetness and air temp
TomCast DSV 3: Calculated TOM-CAST DSV from leaf wetness and air temp
Variables with computed averages: none

Details about reported variables

Air Temperature, max/min
Variable or Sensor: HMP35/45C temp-RH probe
Height of Sensor: plant height
Sensor Setup: in canopy
When Installed: 25 June 2002
Comment: Location is in tomato field.
Reporting Intervals: Daily, Hourly
Air Temperature 3, max/min
Variable or Sensor: HMP35/45C temp-RH probe
Height of Sensor: 1.5 meters
Sensor Setup: above crop at 1.5 meters above ground
When Installed: 25 June 2002
Comment: Location is in tomato field.
Reporting Intervals: Daily
Air Temperature, average
Variable or Sensor: HMP35/45C temp-RH probe
Height of Sensor: plant height
Sensor Setup: in canopy
When Installed: 25 June 2002
Comment: Location is in tomato field.
Reporting Intervals: Daily, Hourly, 30 minute
Air Temperature 3, average
Variable or Sensor: HMP35/45C temp-RH probe
Height of Sensor: 1.5 meters
Sensor Setup: above crop at 1.5 meters above ground
When Installed: 25 June 2002
Comment: Location is in tomato field.
Reporting Intervals: Daily, Hourly, 30 minute
Growing Degree Days
Variable or Sensor: Calculated degree-days (thresholds: 41 F, 97 F) from air temps
Sensor Setup: in canopy
Reporting Intervals: Daily
Growing Degree Days 3
Variable or Sensor: Calculated degree-days (thresholds: 41 F, 97 F) from air temps
Sensor Setup: above crop at 1.5 meters above ground
Reporting Intervals: Daily
Temperature Threshold Hours
Variable or Sensor: Hours between 65 F and 75 F with RH > 90%
Sensor Setup: in canopy
Reporting Intervals: Daily
Temperature Threshold Hours 3
Variable or Sensor: Hours between 65 F and 75 F with RH > 90%
Sensor Setup: above crop at 1.5 meters above ground
Reporting Intervals: Daily
Leaf wetness
Variable or Sensor: 237 resistance grid
Height of Sensor: plant height
Sensor Setup: in canopy
When Installed: 30 September 1999
Reporting Intervals: Daily, Hourly, 30 minute
Leaf wetness 3
Variable or Sensor: 237 resistance grid
Height of Sensor: 1.5 meters
Sensor Setup: above crop at 1.5 meters above ground
When Installed: 01 April 1999
Comment: Location is in tomato field.
Reporting Intervals: Daily, Hourly, 30 minute
Variable or Sensor: TE525 tipping bucket rain guage
Height of Sensor: 2 meters
Sensor Setup: over canopy at 2 meters above ground
When Installed: 01 April 1999
Comment: Location is in tomato field.
Reporting Intervals: Daily, Hourly
Relative Humidity, max/min
Variable or Sensor: HMP35/45C temp-RH probe
Sensor Setup: in canopy
When Installed: 25 June 2002
Comment: Location is in tomato field.
Reporting Intervals: Hourly
Relative Humidity, average
Variable or Sensor: HMP35/45C temp-RH probe
Sensor Setup: in canopy
When Installed: 30 September 1999
Comment: Location is in tomato field.
Reporting Intervals: Daily, Hourly, 30 minute
Relative Humidity 3, average
Variable or Sensor: HMP35/45C temp-RH probe
Height of Sensor: 1.5 meters
Sensor Setup: above crop at 1.5 meters above ground
When Installed: 01 April 1999
Comment: Location is in tomato field.
Reporting Intervals: Daily, Hourly, 30 minute
TomCast DSV
Variable or Sensor: Calculated TOM-CAST DSV from leaf wetness and air temp
Sensor Setup: in canopy
Reporting Intervals: Daily
TomCast DSV 3
Variable or Sensor: Calculated TOM-CAST DSV from leaf wetness and air temp
Sensor Setup: above crop at 1.5 meters above ground
Reporting Intervals: Daily

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Statewide IPM Program, Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California
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Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California

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