Agriculture: Cotton Pest Management Guidelines

Summary of Characteristics of Key Cotton Insecticides/Miticides

Trade Name Common Name Restricted Entry Interval Preharvest Interval Chemical Class Mode of Action1 Hazards to Adult Bees2 Residual Toxicity to Adult Bees
Acramite bifenazate 12 hours 60 days bifenazate un II
Admire Pro imidacloprid 12 hours 14 days neonicotinoid 4A I 3.5 days
Asana esfenvalerate 12 hours 21 days pyrethroid 3A I <1 day
Assail acetamiprid 12 hours 28 days neonicotinoid 4A II
Agri-Mek 0.15 EC abamectin 12 hours 20 days avermectin 6 I 0.5 day
Various Bacillus thuringiensis ssp. Aizawai 4 hours 0 biological 11A II
Various Bacillus thuringiensis ssp. kurstaki 4 hours 0 biological 11A III
Baythroid beta&–cyfluthrin 12 hours 0 pyrethroid 3A I >1 day
Brigade bifenthrin 12 hours3 14 days pyrethroid 3A I 1 day
Carbine flonicamid 12 hours 30 days selective feeding blockers 9C III
Centric thiamethoxam 12 hours 21 days neonicotinoid 4A I
Comite propargite 6–7 days 50 days sulfite 12C III
Courier buprofezin 12 hours 21 days insect growth regulator 16 II
Cruiser thiamethoxam (seed trt.) 12 hours neonicotinoid 4A
Danitol fenpropathrin 24 hours 21 days pyrethroid 3A I 1 day
Diamond novaluron 12 hours 30 days chitin inhibitor 15 I
Dibrom naled 48 hours 5 organophosphate 1B I 1.5 days
Dimethoate dimethoate 48 hours 14 days organophosphate 1B I 3.5 days
Dimilin diflubenzuron 12 hours 14 days benzoylphenyl urea 15 II
Fujimite fenpyroximate 12 hours 14 days METI acaricide 21A III
Fulfill pymetrozine 12 hours 21 days 9B II < 2 hours
Gaucho imidacloprid (seed trt.) neonicotinoid 4A III
Intrepid methoxyfenozide 4 hours 14 days insect growth regulator 18 II
Dicofol dicofol 12 hours 30 days dicofol un III
Knack pyriproxyfen 12 hours 28 days insect growth regulator 7C II
Lannate methomyl 72 hours 15 days carbamate 1A I 1.5 days
Leverage imidacloprid+beta-cyfluthrin 12 hours 14 days neonicotinoid+pyrethroid 4A+3A I
malathion malathion 12 hours 0 organophosphate 1B I 2 days
Monitor methamidophos 2-3 days4 50 days organophosphate 1B I >5 days6
M-Pede soaps 12 hours 0 miscellaneous un III
Mustang zeta-cypermethrin 12 hours 14 days pyrethroid 3A I <1 day
Neemix azadirachtin 4 hours 0 botanical un II
Oberon spiromesifen 12 hours 30 days tetronic acid derivatives 23 II
Oil oils 4 hours 0 miscellaneous
Onager hexythiazox 12 hours 35 days thiazolidinone 10A II
Orthene acephate (foliar) 24 hours 21 days organophosphate 1B I 2.5 days
Sivanto flupyradifurone 12 hours 14 days butenolide 4D II
Steward indoxacarb 12 hours 14 days oxadiazine 22A I
Success spinosad 4 hours 28 days naturalyte 5 II <2 hours
sulfur sulfur 24 hours 0 miscellaneous un III
various aldicarb 48 hours 90 days carbamate 1A I
Thimet phorate 2-3 days4 60 days organophosphate 1B III 1 day
Venom dinotefuran 12 hours 14 days neonicotinoid 4A I
Vydate C-LV oxamyl 48 hours 14 days carbamate 1A I 4 days
Warrior, etc. lambda-cyhalothrin 24 hours 21 days pyrethroid 3A I
Zeal etoxazole 12 hours 28 days 10B II
>  = greater than   <  = less than   —  = information not available
1Rotate insecticides with a different mode-of-action group number, and do not use products with the same mode-of-action group number more than twice per season to help prevent the development of resistance. For example, the organophosphates have a group number of 1B; insecticides with a 1B group number should be alternated with insecticides that have a group number other than 1B. Mode-of-action group numbers for insecticides and miticides (un=unknown or uncertain mode of action) are assigned by IRAC (Insecticide Resistance Action Committee).
2 Ratings are as follows: I—Do not apply or allow to drift to plants that are flowering, including weeds. Do not allow pesticide to contaminate water accessible to bees, including puddles. II—Do not apply or allow to drift to plants that are flowering, including weeds, except when the application is made between sunset and midnight if allowed by the label and regulations. Do not allow pesticide to contaminate water accessible to bees, including puddles. III—No bee precaution, except when required by the label or regulations. For more information about pesticide synergistic effects, see Bee Precaution Pesticide Ratings.
3 Restricted entry interval is 7 days for cotton scouts.
4 Determined by amount of yearly rainfall; see label.
5 Do not apply after bolls open.
6 Brood poison at lower doses.
Text Updated: 05/13