UC IPM Home > Homes, Gardens, Landscapes, and Turf > Fruits and Nuts > Cultural Tips
How to Manage Pests
Pests in Gardens and Landscapes
Sanitation is a necessary management tool in all home orchards because of the long life of trees.
Perennial weeds, nematodes, and certain disease pathogens are difficult to control after trees become
established. Prevent the introduction or spread of infestations by removing infected limbs and fruit.
Disinfect cutting tools periodically during pruning and at any time that they come into direct contact
with diseased tissue. Clean equipment used in other areas to avoid introducing pathogens, nematodes,
or weeds. |
Sanitation Tips |
- Remove diseased wood as soon as it becomes evident.
Dispose of the prunings immediately to prevent
them from becoming a source of new infections.
- Remove stumps, brush piles, and debris. Brush,
thinnings, and other debris can harbor diseases
as well as vertebrates and insects. Removing stumps
may prevent population buildups of wood-boring
insect pests.
- Remove diseased shoots, leaves, and fruit on
trees and on the ground.
- Remove roosting, nesting, or resting areas that
may attract large numbers of crop-destroying birds.
- Keep
the tree crown area free of weeds to reduce crown
rot infections.
- Spot-treat perennial weeds to prevent their spread.